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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cooperstown to Fargo (92 miles)


A quick, enjoyable ride.  What a great decision it was to wait out the storm and bad winds for a day in Cooperstown.

We all slept in a bit in the morning, then quickly got ready to leave.  There had been severe thunderstorms while we slept, but the skies were clear, and the sun was shining when we left.
The ride started off nice, there wasn't much wind, and we just got the miles done.

Tom said fairwell after about 20 miles.  He was heading North to the Headwaters of the Mississippi, and we were heading South to Fargo.

After a couple of miles, we arrived at the November-33 missle launch site.  It was pretty neat to see the topside of the missle silo, and to read all of the interpretive signs about it.
Very cool.

It's amazing how little of the structure shows above ground.  The tall white pole on the right, is a motion sensor.

We arrived in Hope for a little snack, then headed on to Page for Lunch.  After Page, the west winds really picked up and we were scooting along at 17-23 mph.  In 2.5 hours we covered 40 miles!  It's so much fun to ride that fast so effortlessly.
Then we turned South for Fargo.  This was a little tougher, but the wind was still helping us a bit.
One of the amazing things during the ride today was the amount of water everywhere.  All of the ditches, rivers, and lakes were overfull, and in many places actively flooding.

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