My Planned Journey (first half) 2nd half on the bottom of the page

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Anacortes to Concrete, WA 60 miles

Day 1 day,

Today,  I met the group of men that I'll be riding across the country with.  They all seem like a great bunch of guys, with a lot of different experiences.  We met at 8am at the Washington Park boat ramp in Anacortes, WA.  We said our hellos (we had gotten together for dinner the night before), and those who were interested dipped their wheels into the ocean.
From the left, you have Joe, Bob, Me, Don, Jim, and Jeff.

Then we were off.  The ride started pretty good, the weather was perfect Northwest weather.  It was drizzly, windy, and cool.  As the day wore on, we had our first flat tire.  Don, has a nice nail as a souvenir for that.  Then just as we started again after that pause, the rain started to come down really hard.  So we all stopped and put on our rain gear.  Naturally, this pause took longer than we would normally want.

Then we were able to get a good 15 miles under our belts before lunch at Subway.  The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, some rain, but mostly it dried up.  We even saw the sun poke through the clouds and trees!

Tonight, we're staying in the Eagle Creek RV Park in Concrete, Washington.  The campground is pretty nice, and the showers are warm..  Tomorrow, we're headed up into the Cascade Mountains, we'll get about halfway up during our 42 mile ride.  Then the next day, we'll complete the 5,200 feet summit before heading down to the bottom to camp for the night.

Take care all, right now I'm thinking bout the awesome get together with my family before I left home.


  1. Sounds awesome! What a journey this will be. Stay safe! Love you lots!xx Aunt Mary

  2. Congratulations!! Sounds like you had a good first day. We drove over Rainy Pass in driving rain which turned to snow and then worried about you all night!! So glad your day was better than that!. Winthrop is great. Love you much. Have a great coast into the valley. mom

  3. Enjoying following your adventure already - hope you're lovin' it! Ann
